Getting involved at WC makes school more fun and interesting. The Photography Club, since last year, has been a significant advantage to the school’s clubs.
Led by Mrs. Ginger Gibson, the club is gradually achieving a higher level of excellence and quality since its inception last spring. Unfortunately, during the previous school year, the club only made it through one semester. Regardless, the club has worked hard and this school year the photography students have been going strong since day one and will go through to the end of the year.
With Mrs. Gibson overseeing seventeen students, there is always something that can be photographed or improved. Mrs. Gibson has been involved with photography over the course of many years, taking countless pictures of fun WCHS events such as Winter Event and the girl’s annual PowderPuff football game.
The club members are in favor of learning the art, and having fun while capturing WC moments and events. “I really like photography,” said sophomore April Lamonte. “It’s fun because Mrs. Gibson does a lot of field trips so it’s great experience; and she’s a great person to lead it.” Photography is a creative tool that uses one’s personality to bring a picture to life. Junior Photography Club member Amy Gibson shared, “Photography really helps you learn more about yourself. I know I, personally, have learned more about who I am as a person through this.”
Mrs. Gibson said she believes that being the supervisor over the club is a fun thing to do. She and her daughter were privileged to feature in a portfolio that will be given to renowned actor, Arnold Schwarzeneggar as a result of attending the Arnold Fitness Classic, which featured the very first Photo Workshop. “David Tahata, the guy who taught the workshop,” said Mrs. Gibson, “was really funny and super talented. He travels all over the world and teaches how to use lighting in order to make a good photo. We learned some really neat things like how to change the lighting of your picture by putting this gel over the flash!”
Mrs. Gibson is very adamant about getting her Photography Club kids on field trips and exposing them to a variety of experiences so that they can stretch their abilities and consistently learn about the craft. Amy admitted, “My mom is a really great person for initiating stuff like field trips and activities.” Faithful WC mom Mrs. Lisa Siders agreed: addressing the club members, she said “You photography kids have an amazing advantage to have someone like Mrs. Gibson who is just so committed. She is always looking to improve what she does individually and to help you all improve.”
Led by Mrs. Ginger Gibson, the club is gradually achieving a higher level of excellence and quality since its inception last spring. Unfortunately, during the previous school year, the club only made it through one semester. Regardless, the club has worked hard and this school year the photography students have been going strong since day one and will go through to the end of the year.
With Mrs. Gibson overseeing seventeen students, there is always something that can be photographed or improved. Mrs. Gibson has been involved with photography over the course of many years, taking countless pictures of fun WCHS events such as Winter Event and the girl’s annual PowderPuff football game.

The Photography Club is doing a stupendous job so far, as evidenced by their hard work and skill. Mrs. Gibson said, “A lot of the kids have gotten so much better and bolder at showing their skills. On Facebook, people are asking us for our photos. There was a girl from Orange High School and asked if they could have some pictures that we took for their yearbook. It’s a blessing to know that the community is interacting with what we’re doing.”
Junior Kelly Zimmerman became a new addition to the club last fall and mentioned “Before joining, I knew about photography, but I didn’t know how to make a picture look cool; and now I do.” Apparently, photography students are being met right where they are and encouraged, as well as assisted, to enhance their potentials. These WC photographers prove to be a considerable inclusion to the set of extracurricular programs and, undoubtedly, will be in the years to come.
(Photo credits courtesy of Mrs. Ginger Gibson and the Facebook group WCS Photography Club).
(Photo credits courtesy of Mrs. Ginger Gibson and the Facebook group WCS Photography Club).
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